Tag Archives: Etsy

>New Fave – Hollyhawk on Etsy

5 Apr

>Oh. My. God. I am in love. During a recent rainy afternoon (I can’t remember which one because, let’s face it, there are a lot of them) I was trolling around on Etsy, you know, looking for ways to spend that rainy day cash, and I stumbled across Hollyhawk. She’s actually a local gal – Victoria – and she makes the most AMAZING leather accessories – cuffs, wallets, iPod cases. I completely fell for this:



It arrived yesterday and is as gorgeous as it looks! She makes them with all sorts of different colours and patterns, so if you’re looking for a funky, comfortable and well-made leather accessory, check her out! Not only that, but she’s local, which makes me feel even better about supporting her!